2024 Sales and Marketing Forum


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Don't miss the opportunity to learn alongisde sales and marketing peers during the AMBA 2024 Sales and Marketing Forum!

This virtual, half-day event will feature insights from two marketing and sales professionals, AMBA member best practices in everyday sales and marketing activities and an all-group peer networking session, where attendees will have the opportunity to address challenges and share best practices with others on the line.

Cost: $89/attendee. For groups of two or more, a conference room rate of $129 is available. Please contact the AMBA offices at info@amba.org or 317.436.3102 to take advantage of the group rate.

Agenda (subject to change)

*all times are listed in EST

10 - 10:15am Welcome and Introduction
10:15 - 11:15am

Modernizing Your Sales Strategies


Presenter: Keith Bradt, Kallen Sales Development

  Manufacturers today are in a period of rapid innovation relative to how many of their functional groups operate. They are leveraging emerging technologies and adjusting their manufacturing strategies into more efficient models to remain competitive in today's economic climate. At the same time, in many of those same companies, the sales teams are falling behind, operating in a legacy model that no longer serves them as well as it should. During this presentation, attendees will learn the trends and technologies that could enable businesses to accelerate growth, shorten the sales cycle and help executives, sales and marketing professionals leverage data to make better business decisions.
11:15am - 12pm

AMBA Member Panel: Best Practices in ROI-Driven Marketing


Facilitator: Shelly Otenbaker, WayPoint Marketing

Panelists: Becca Peterson, Industrial Molds,
Ashley Giannosa, TK Mold & Engineering and Ralph Picklo,

12 - 12:10pm



First Impressions - Digital Marketing and Website Strategy

  Presenter: Jimmy Renallo, Creative Technology


Peer Networking

Thanks to Our Event Sponsors

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This is a member-only event.

Log In to Register

Registration will close August 21, 2024 2:00pm

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