Business in 2024: Outlook and Insights

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This year, AMBA will host its first webinar highlighting end-of-year insights from AMBA, industry partners and the association's outlook for the year to come. This virtual event will highlight key perspectives that will help U.S. mold manufacturers plan for the end of Q4 2023 and Q1 2024. 

This webinar content will highlight:

  • Key benchmarking data, including current and anticipated industry-wide challenges, inflation impact and member-mitigation methods
  • Industry-specific insights drawn from U.S. mold manufacturing industry suppliers
  • A legislative update provided by The Franklin Partnership (excerpt below)
  • The current state of the AMBA

The Clock is Ticking - A Legislative Update
Omar Nashashibi, The Franklin Partnership

The clock is ticking for Congress to reverse the requirement to amortize R&D activities and to reinstate full expensing. AMBA’s lobbyist in Washington, D.C., Omar S. Nashashibi, will update members on the likelihood of a year-end tax bill to address R&D, 100% bonus depreciation and other key provisions. Meanwhile, the White House continues to review whether to retain all tariffs on all imports from China, including those on molds, and is negotiating a carbon-based tariff system with the EU. Nashashibi will cover all this and more, including OSHA’s proposed 80oF indoor heat rule.

No cost for AMBA members. This is a members-only event.


This is a member-only event.

Online registration is now closed.

If you are an AMBA member, please log in to access the archived webinar.

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