In addition to its other grant and scholarship opportunities offered, the AMBA has gathered information on other state, regional and national grants available to U.S. businesses and manufacturers. These grants, tax incentives and other sources of financial support address a variety of areas, including: 

  • Job readiness and training
  • Workforce development
  • Economic growth (local, regional and national)
  • Competitiveness in international markets
  • Apprenticeship programs
  • STEM activities
  • Public infrastructure
  • Community development
  • Workers re-entering the labor market (i.e., veterans, disabled individuals, etc.)

A few upcoming grant opportunities to note (listed by state): 

Grant-in-Aid (GIA) program – Next Application Submission Deadline: June 15, 2025
The GIA provides reimbursements dollars to companies/consortia. The maximum funding amount for qualified companies during a BSSC fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) is the LESSER of the following:  50% of approved costs/eligible costs; $75,000; $2,000 x number of trainees. The following properly documented training costs are eligible: In-House Training ($25 per hour permitted); Educational Institution and Consultant Training; Instructional Materials and Supplies; Employee/Trainee Wages; Registered Apprenticeship. Safety, mandated, and regulatory training is eligible if it totals no more than 25% of the overall eligible training. Retroactive training, pro/con union training, employee assessments/evaluations and training provided.
Skilled Training Investment Credit (STIC) – Next Application Submission Deadline: June 15, 2025
The STIC provides a tax credit against Kentucky income taxes to companies for company specific training activities. The maximum tax credit amount for qualified companies during a BSSC fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) is the LESSER of the following:  50% of approved costs/eligible costs; $75,000; $2,000 x number of trainees. The following properly documented training costs are eligible: In-House Training ($25 per hour permitted); Educational Institution and Consultant Training; Instructional Materials and Supplies; Employee/Trainee Wages; Registered Apprenticeship. Safety, mandated, and regulatory training is eligible if it totals no more than 25% of the overall eligible training. Retroactive training, pro/con union training, employee assessments/evaluations and training provided.

Going PRO Talent Fund – Applications for Employer-Led Collaboratives will open on March 24, 2025 until funding is exhausted and applications for Cycle 2 will open April 14 until May 2, 2025.
The Going PRO Talent Fund (Talent Fund), formerly known as the Skilled Trades Training Fund, makes awards to employers to assist in training, developing and retaining current and newly hired employees. Training funded by the Talent Fund must be short-term and fill a demonstrated talent need experienced by the employer. Training must lead to a credential for a skill that is transferable and recognized by industry.

Clean Economy Occupations Grant – Applications will be accepted on a continual basis until all funds have been awarded.
This grant seeks to support registered apprenticeship programs to upgrade their capacity to train registered apprentices and upskill incumbent workers in clean economy occupations.
Labor Education Advancement Program (LEAP) – Applications will be accepted on a continual basis until all funds have been awarded.
This grant funding is to facilitate the participation and/or retention of people of color, Indigenous people, and women in registered apprenticeship programs through various means including outreach, education, assessment, preparation, support services, instruction, training, placement and retention activities.
New and Expanded Registered Apprenticeship Program Grant – Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all funds have been awarded, or April 30, 2026, whichever comes first.
This grant program seeks to aid employers with the development of new registered apprenticeship programs (RAP) or to expand existing programs in apprenticeable occupations, with priority given to programs in these targeted industries:  education, semiconductors, information technology, advanced manufacturing, health care, hospitality, the public sector, and construction. Incentive funding will assist with the costs of starting or expanding a registered apprenticeship program and may be used to cover the costs of employer staff time to operationalize program logistics, develop and instruct related instruction or recruit apprentices. Grant funds may also be used to purchase tools and supplies or pay for tuition for related instruction.
New Jersey

Growing Apprenticeship in Nontraditional Sectors (GAINS) – LOI Due April 4, 2025; Application Due April 11, 2025
The GAINS program will provide New Jersey businesses/organizations or current registered apprenticeship sponsor in targeted sectors with support for new Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program development, or existing RA programs who seek to expand into new USDOL approved occupations. The GAINS program will encourage participation by providing a 50% wage reimbursement for up to 12 months of newly hired apprentices’ employment, offset costs incurred for training the new apprentice, and to incentivize employers for hiring registered apprentices from pre-apprenticeship programs. Examples of training costs include: related classroom instructor costs, materials and supplies, supervision by a journey worker, etc.
Pre-Apprenticeship in Career Education (PACE)  – LOI Due April 10, 2025; Application Due April 17, 2025
Grant funds will be awarded to successful applicants responding to this competitive NGO. The purpose of the PACE Program is to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in Registered Apprenticeship programs. These pre-apprenticeship programs have a documented partnership with at least one Registered Apprenticeship program sponsor and together, they expand the participant's career pathway opportunities with industry-based training coupled with classroom instruction. The program will drive economic development through skills and educational attainment and create pathways to better-paying careers and advanced credentials. Competitive proposals will have a cost per head range between $4,000 and $8,000 (divide total number served by the grant amount).

TechCred – The current TechCred application period will close on March 31, 2025.
The TechCred program gives businesses the chance to upskill current and future employees in today’s tech-infused economy. Credentials that are eligible under TechCred must be short-term, industry-recognized, and technology-focused. The state will reimburse up to $2,000 of training upon completion of a credential.

Supporting Pennsylvania's Advanced Manufacturing Sector through Apprenticeships and Pre-Apprenticeships – FORECASTED – Anticipated Posting Timeline: February 2025
This initiative will support two opportunities for the development and expansion of registered apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships in the manufacturing sector.
Option 1: New registered apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs in the manufacturing sector.
Option 2: Increasing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in existing registered apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs in the manufacturing sector. 

Texas Talent Connection Grant – Application period opens on April 1 and closes on April 30, 2025
The Texas Talent Connection grant program, funded by Wagner-Peyser 7(b) funds, is established to support workforce training and job placement services, with outcomes intended to increase wages and job retention, through: labor exchange services; special needs populations; youth programs; and training.

Wisconsin Fast Forward - Industry Sectors Worker Training Grants – Applications Deadline Extended to April 2, 2025
The Wisconsin Fast Forward program is a state-funded grant program that provides employer-led worker training grants. This grant opportunity is for employers who can demonstrate a critical need for skilled workers and are seeking training grants to develop and implement a business-led skills training program. Grants are available to all industry sectors and companies of any size to provide industry sector worker training grant awards that target unemployed, underemployed, and incumbent workers to qualify them for full-time employment, higher-level employment, wage increases, and/or industry-recognized credentials. 

Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) Technical Assistance Grant Program – FORECASTED – Estimated Post Date: April 15, 2025; Estimated Application Due Date: June 29, 2025
The WANTO program is intended to provide technical assistance (TA) to employers and labor unions to encourage employment of women in apprenticeable occupations and nontraditional occupations (A/NTO), specifically by: 1) Developing (establishing, expanding, and/or enhancing) pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, or other nontraditional skills training programs designed to prepare women for careers in A/NTO; 2) Providing ongoing orientations or other resources for employers, unions, and workers on creating a successful environment for women in A/NTO; and/or 3) Setting up support groups, facilitating networks, and/or providing supportive services for women in A/NTO to improve their retention. Applicants may propose to provide technical assistance to support women’s participation and success in the full range of industries in which women are historically underrepresented or where women are disproportionately concentrated in the lower-wage occupations. Such industries include but are not limited to advanced manufacturing, construction, energy, health care, information technology, finance, and transportation.
Cybersecurity Upskilling Initiative – FORECASTED – Estimated Post Date: April 15, 2025; Estimated Application Due Date: June 29, 2025
The Cybersecurity Upskilling Initiative will fund job training programs that upskill incumbent and dislocated workers who already have Information Technology (IT) credentials and experience but need additional qualifications and specialization to meet employer demand for high-skill cybersecurity occupations. Grants will be awarded to sector partnerships to design and implement cybersecurity training programs

Download the List

Middle Grades CTE Repository

This repository for state middle grades Career Technical Education (CTE) resources is a deliverable of the Shared Solutions Workgroup on Middle Grades CTE (a group of national, state and local leaders convened by Advance CTE with support from the Association for Career and Technical Education) to identify the core components of a meaningful middle grades CTE experience.

This work was generously funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The workgroup also produced the following paper, which can serve as a roadmap for state and local leaders looking to design a new middle grades CTE program or policy or to reflect and improve on what is already in place:

The repository is organized by the seven core programmatic elements identified in the Broadening the Path paper. Some elements having subcategories underneath. Most links will take you directly to where the resources are housed; however, for some links you may need to scroll down or search within the webpage to find the relevant resources. Where possible, grade bands have been noted for each resource (e.g., 7-12 or PK-12).

  1. Standards, Curriculum and Assessment
  2. Course/Activity Structure and Scheduling
  3. Career Advisement
  4. Experiential Learning
  5. Teacher and Leaders
  6. Data and Measurement 
  7. Policy 

View the Repository