AMBA member companies have access to a variety of resources and connection opportunities intended to hone their competitive edge. Summaries of the primary benefits of AMBA membership are outlined below.


AMBA works alongside Omar Nashashibi, Inside Beltway, its lobbying partner, to advocate for U.S. mold manufacturers' interests on Capitol Hill. While AMBA's advocacy initiatives shift in priority throughout the year, efforts have historically focused on: 

  • Trade and Tariff Policies
  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Tax Legislation
  • Congressional Action
  • OSHA Compliance
  • Workforce Development / Grants Availability

AMBA's continuing strategy includes visits with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, meetings with the current administration and time spent advising the AMBA and its members on how to lobby the federal government. 

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AMBA Conference

The AMBA Conference is the U.S. mold manufacturing industry's premier event opportunity to engage with hundreds of industry executives, management teams and functional area peers.

Held annually in the Midwest, the AMBA Conference connects attendees with new business opportunities, trending technologies, workforce development strategies, continuous improvement initiatives and more.

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Community Connection and Professional Development

AMBA believes its most valuable asset is its membership community. To supply members with access to industry trends, best practices, emerging technologies and more, AMBA coordinates a variety of in-person and virtual connection opportunities annually that connect members and allow them to share knowledge across the industry.

These events allow mold manufacturing employees to connect with one another and industry leaders to advance their professional development and knowledge.

Connection and professional development opportunities include:

  • Functional-Area, Virtual Roundtable Discussions 
  • Topic-Specific Webinars
  • Half-Day Forums (In-Person and Virtual) 
  • Plant Tour Workshops (In-Person) with Cross-Talk
  • Annual AMBA Conference (In-Person; Described Above)
  • Leadership Retreats and Workshop Series' (In-Person and Virtual)

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Cost-Reduction Programs

AMBA cost-reduction programs, which are provided by AMBA Premier Partners, are some of the most immediately beneficial aspects of AMBA membership.

Through programs dedicated to consulting services, freight discounts, MRO savings, specialized product services and more, AMBA members can offset membership dues by savings thousands annually. 

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