If you are an Industry Service Provider, please contact the AMBA office for membership information.

Company Information

Please use 123-456-7890 format for US numbers or +12 34 567 8901 format for international numbers.

Membership Information

Number of employees determines annual dues.

Number of Employees Annual Dues
1–5 employees $400
6–15 employees $500
16–40 employees $800
41–60 employees $1,400
Over 60 employees $2,240
Annual Sales Revenue:

Primary Interests in AMBA

AMBA member companies enjoy extreme value and ROI from their membership. AMBA is the leading trade association for the U.S. mold manufacturing industry; and, with over 270 member companies located in 33 states across America, the AMBA is able to offer robust programs and support via workforce development initiatives, benchmarking and best practices reports, strategic networking opportunities, cost-reduction programs, industry advocacy and more.

Payment Method

On the next page you will answer new member questions and enter employee information.