
Trade Shows
Plant Tours

September 2018

October 2018

Manufacturing Day 2018

PLASTEC Minneapolis 2018

November 2018

December 2018

Survey: Managing The Sales Pipeline

February 2019

PLASTEC West 2019

2019 Leadership Summit

March 2019

Plastics Industry Fly-In

May 2019

Emerging Leaders Pre-Con Event

AMBA Conference 2019

June 2019


Amerimold 2019

July 2019

August 2019

September 2019

October 2019

Second Annual Manufacturing Day Breakfast

Emerging Leaders Workshop: Leading from Within

Plant Tour Workshop: United Tool and Mold

November 2019

YP Live! An Industry Panel for Young Professionals

December 2019

January 2020

February 2020

Webinar: State of the Mold Building Industry

Peer Networking: Senior Leaders

Peer Networking: HR

Sales Process Forum

March 2020

COVID-19 Updates

AMBA COVID-19 Crisis Roundtable Discussion

Peer Networking: Senior Leaders

COVID-19 - Managing your Business during a Crisis

AMBA COVID-19 Crisis Roundtable Discussion - Updates

COVID-19 - NEW Updates with Benesch

Webinar: Families First Coronavirus Response Act - Explained

April 2020

COVID-19 and Washington, D.C. - The Government's Response

Webinar: Tax Implications as a Result of COVID-19

Overview and Q&A on the SBA PPP Loan

COVID-19 Sales Strategy - Roundtable Discussion

AMBA Conference 2020 - Canceled

May 2020

AMBA Annual Meeting - Industry Insights and Updates

June 2020

Sales and Marketing Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

Amerimold Connects

AMBA Industry Panel at Amerimold Connects

July 2020

August 2020

Virtual Ignition Workshop Series: Leadership On Fire

Peer-to-Peer Roundtable Discussion: Sales and Marketing

September 2020

October 2020

Session 1: Emerging Leaders "Get Lean" Series

OESA/HRI Automotive Tooling Update

Session 2: Emerging Leaders "Get Lean" Series

Session 3: Emerging Leaders "Get Lean" Series

November 2020

Session 4: Emerging Leaders "Get Lean" Series

The Application of Continuous Improvement - A Peer Connection Workshop

Session 5: Emerging Leaders "Get Lean" Series

2020 EHS Summit - A Virtual Event

Session 6: Emerging Leaders "Get Lean" Series

December 2020

Webinar: Getting the Most from Your Grainger Account

January 2021

2021 Business Forecast Survey Deadline

SBA Paycheck Protection Program: Round Two and Other Updates

February 2021

Webinar: Facility Cost Savings with Grainger’s KeepStock Program

Meet the Mentor: Leadership through Ownership

March 2021

2021 Health and Benefits Survey Closes

April 2021

Meet the Mentor: Risk Management

May 2021

Antec® 2021

NPE 2021 - Canceled

June 2021

July 2021

Meet the Mentor Series: Effective Communication

Meet the Mentor Peer Networking: Effective Communication

August 2021

Plastec West 2021

2021 Emerging Leaders Communication Symposium (Virtual)

Emerging leaders will learn the practical application of communication tools for effective leadership and process improvement.

Sales and Marketing Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

September 2021

Plant Tour Workshop: Century Die Co.

Amerimold 2021

October 2021

Meet the Mentor Series: Leaning into Leadership

Business Strategies – Management Roundtable Discussion

November 2021

Plant Tour Workshop: Legacy Precision Molds

Improve Process and Profitability with Additive Manufacturing

December 2021

Plastec East / MD&M East

January 2022

February 2022

Business Strategies – Management Roundtable Discussion

March 2022

Virtual Plant Tour Workshop: Dramco Tool Co., Inc.

Business Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

Plastics Technology Expo (PTXPO)

April 2022

May 2022

AMBA Conference 2022

New Event: Standardize Work and Improve Processes

July 2022

August 2022

Emerging Leaders: "Perspectives from the Top" - Session 2

September 2022

Die Casting Congress & Tabletop

October 2022

November 2022

Plant Tour Workshop: iMFLUX

January 2023

2023 State of the Industry and Annual Assembly

February 2023

MD&M West/Plastec West

iWarriors Golf Outing

The Role of the CFO: Taking Your Business to the Next Level

Urgent - R&D Expensing Strategies and Congressional Plans

Business Forecast Report - Peer Networking

March 2023

April 2023

Sales and Marketing Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

May 2023

AMBA Conference 2023

June 2023

Mini Workforce Series - Recruitment Strategies

Plastec East 2023

Mini Workforce Series - Retention Strategies

Recruitment and Retention Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

July 2023

Dual Plant Tour Workshop: Wepco Plastics and Westminster Tool

August 2023

Senior Leaders - Conversations Continued

Sales and Marketing Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

Webinar - Practical Application of Shop Rate Data

MoldMaking Conference 2023

Management Fundamentals for Emerging Leadership (Session 1)

September 2023

Management Fundamentals for Emerging Leadership (Session 2)

Management Fundamentals for Emerging Leadership (Session 3)

Management Fundamentals for Emerging Leadership (Session 4)

2023 iWarriors Alliance Charity Golf Outing

October 2023

Sales and Marketing Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

2023 United Tool and Mold iWarriors Golf Outing

November 2023

Senior Leaders - Continuing Conversations

2023 Finance Forum

December 2023

Preparing for Automation in the Tooling Industry

Business in 2024: Outlook and Insights

January 2024

AMBA CNC Users Group (January Meeting)

Roundtable Discussion - Workforce Development Strategies

Overview and Part 1 - Three Tactics for People Management

Part 2 - Three Tactics for People Management (Empowerment)

February 2024

Part 3 - Three Tactics for People Management (Excellence)

Webinar: ITR Economic Program Overview for Members

AMBA CNC Users Group (ERP Systems)

iWarriors Golf Outing

2024 State of the Industry Webinar

What Can a Fractional CFO Do for Your Business?

March 2024

AMBA CNC Users Group - Training and Apprenticeships

AMBA Conference 2024

April 2024

AMBA CNC Users Group

Latest Benchmarks in Health and Benefits

Sales and Marketing Strategies - Roundtable Discussion

May 2024

NPE2024: The Plastics Show

NPE2024: AMBA Member Reception

June 2024

Roundtable Discussion - Senior Leaders

Plant Tour Workshop - Franchino Mold & Engineering

July 2024

Postponed - New Date TBD: CNC Users Group - Peer Networking

Upcoming events